Monday, April 15, 2013

Hearts, Spades, Pizzas and Lightning :-)

Start of the day, today at IE, was again a little different - while last week opened on the basketball court, this week, it was "the Stage". A Shakespeare actor from dramatic resources conducted today's session.

Ground rules were made clear right at the beginning. It was not about learning to do acting, or to help faking what we are not. "As a leader, if you are not your true self, if you are not authentic, you are just bullshitting others; and they will know it, and they will know it much before you even realize".

So, what was it about? It was about helping us improve our stage presence, making sure we represent ourselves well and our body language matches our content.

Speaking of the content, I saw the first pizza [as they like to call it in Brazil] of the day. Only 7% of what impresses others in a presentation is the actual content - rest of it is the audio-visual signals they get and the body language we exhibit. Wow !!

So, we began a workshop to help us improve on that 93% part. The Black Card Status - Spades as I would like to remember them, which represents our external outlook and the Red Card Status - Hearts, which represents our internal confidence, were the new concepts for me.

What I liked most about today?

The timing of this session could not have been more perfect. Here I am with my 7% ready for the Impact Weekend, and as soon as the day to practice on delivery of that 7% arrives, I am actually sitting in a session to get tips about it.

I guess even at a subconscious level, I realized that I have to make the most of this opportunity today. So, I raised my hand almost as a reflex action, when a volunteer was needed to make a 1-minute presentation.

Thanks to this volunteering, I have got a feedback on what I need to improve and how I can improve, so will work on those areas in next couple of days.

The Second set of Pizzas came later in the day today, when our class profile and its diversity was being discussed. I think this was more of a session to make us ready for the different personality traits we are bound to meet during our stay here. Anyways, as it was put in the conclusion of the session, diversity is not really that colorful collage which is "nice to have" on our living room wall, but it is a collision of different lightnings, each with a fire in its belly, and the trick is to ensure that we don't burn each other, but collectively create a magical landscape.

I know this post is getting a bit lengthy and that previous paragraph could have very well been a concluding one, but I have got to mention about the third pizza of the day.

After coming home, carrying my heavy bag with laptop and the book which I collected today, I fell asleep on my bed almost instantaneously. When I woke up, it was already 11 in the night and without much thinking I went downstairs to Domino's where they were still open for take-aways.

As I sat there waiting for my pizza, a song began to play - "Anything you want, you got it; anything you need, you got it....."

When I think about all the pizzas I had seen since morning - first to help me get ready for the weekend pitch, second of my class profile, which is going to make me a better person over the period of this year, and the third to help me satisfy my hunger at the late hour of this night, this song felt like a divine signal.

"Anything you want, you got it ........................."

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