Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If you have forgotten: Accounting is Sexy, Accounting is Fun :-)

So, as part of the preparations phase that I am going through currently, I thought that it would only be better if I not only try to solve some cases, but also revise my finance concepts.

And here it is, today after a relaxed morning, and a heavy lunch, I went back in time, fetched notes from Garen's Financial Accounting class, and began reading through them. Thanks to all the usage of accounting terms so far, I could read the notes at a rather quicker pace, much quicker than what I remember when I did it during term one.

And yet again, I got a chance to read those headers and footers that Garen has spread all over his notes, from the "if you are printing this, SHAME on YOU" to the "Never Forget, Accounting is sexy, Accounting is fun" :-)

Life has its own ways to bring those little moments of smile, and reading these lines now, and trying to remember our struggle with accounting, just did the trick for me today :-)

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