Wednesday, August 28, 2013

And so it begins ..

Well, after giving around five additional meetings to everyone for greeting each other Dilney started the classes after holidays with the marketing class. As part of homework, we had already seen a couple of TEDx videos on behavioral economics and related marketing techniques. We discussed the theoretical part of those concepts in the class today.

Next up was Managerial Accounting. Thanks to the fact that I had already worked on the cost allocation example that Luis was going to take today, before the vacation began [it was actualy due in that past class, but as time ran out, Luis had kept it for after the vacation], and as there was no other volunteer, I ended up being in front of the class, solving the example for next almost an hour or so. Not bad participation for day one I would say :-D

When we met next for our group meeting, I realized that we were all in the same state of mind. We were finding it difficult even to locate the files we need, as per our discussions before the vacation. Forget about deliverable and stuff. So, we all spent the group work hour, restoring our group agenda, setting timelines and priorities, and getting back in to the School mode :-)

In the Investment analysis class that followed, learned interesting concepts about different methods of Investment analysis and how various parameters like NPV and IRR change in their significance, as soon as we stop analyzing a stand-alone investment and start comparing different investment options to accomplish a certain objective.

Its funny how the day started with marketing class stressing that all choices, even the complex ones are usually made by emotional drive than reasoning; and by the end of the day, we were actually learning different ways to reason and justify among various investment options available :-)

After having lunch together, spent the rest of the day with my study group, preparing for day two after the vacation :-D

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