Thursday, April 3, 2014

T minus fifty :-)

Well, its that day of the year, when we had our opening ceremony last year. A lot of exciting memories of the day, and before I could finish reflecting on the days that are past, it struck me that today is in fact the 366th day of the IMBA, which leaves 50 days now before gradaution.

Mixed emotions about the countdown and too many thoughts cropping up in my mind - from learning that I had in my MBA to the job hunt progress that I need to make and from life here in Madrid to thought about returning to the real world - yes, that's the real world which is out there - this here, being back to school/college after 9 years of work has been more of a dream run - too fast, too elusive, too glamorous and a so much fun than the real world.

Anyways, I had to take care of a few errands in the morning and by the time I returned, it was already afternoon. So spent the afternoon working on my fellowship project - we are now making a good progress in terms of generalizing our findings, our framework adaptation to different platforms, and use of CORAS methodology in general. This was followed by a meeting for discussing our progress.

Prof Alvaro, Manan and myself -  we also spent some time towards discussing the way ahead for our research. It was a good meeting today in terms of coverage we had about various topics.

Came back home for a siesta, as last night was a long one, and then after a late siesta of around 2 hours, I am here, writing this post, and planning to complete the International Business Strategy and Modeling related work I have after this post is published. Another long night in front of me, yet I am all charged up thanks to the siesta I just had :-)

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