Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Business Analytics: Cracked the case :-)

Well, while the last night was long, it was fruitful for sure. Today morning, we met at 9 AM again to resume our work and mostly to give finishing touches to the report and presentation.

Class of today started with our presentation, I am happy to say that we were probably the only group that could find the discrepancy in data that was seen in the case facts - looks like we cracked the case. This was also commended by Prof. Jose Curto Diaz, towards the end of our discussion. We managed the QnA session quite well as well.
All-in-all, I don't feel exhausted about the looong day yesterday anymore :-)

In the Corporate Governance class, Prof Nieves Carrera today took us to the double agency problem that arises in dealings between shareholders, board of directors and the management of corporations. We discussed various aspects of why the moral hazard occurs, what are the various aspects and forms of it, and what measures can possibly prevent these scenarios.

One such measure in form of Shareholder activism was a new concept that I got introduced to, today. In fact, the ongoing activism by some of the Apple shareholders, right at this point of time, was an interesting news for me, and I am still wondering how I missed this entire story in my recent news readings.

Anyways, had a short siesta in the afternoon and then did some readings for the class tomorrow. Going home much early today and will have a decent sleep before a new day starts tomorrow :-)

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